Thursday 12 September 2013

Story Arc

passing through the labs Samus comes to the massive doors marking the entrance to the stations main lab. From what Samus has seen of the lab before it is an enormous room, expansive enough to easily fit a small ship inside. the monotony of the room is broken up only by the consoles littering the walls as well as the single large bio-containment tube in the centre of the room, and at the centre of that tube, is the larval Metroid.

After seeing the destruction brought about simply by the Metroid's presence, Samus decided that though the federation could benefit from researching the Metroid, the risks are too great. loading a missile into her arm cannon she takes aim at base of the bio tank and fires the destructive projectile.

Blinding light and a deafening explosion fill the room, no doubt the Metroid was destroyed in the blast. temporarily blinded by explosion, Samus failed to see Ridley swooping down from behind where the blast originated, Samus moved to swing her arm cannon onto its new target but was far too late. Ridley's gargantuan claw swatted away the canon, diverting the blast to the far wall. At a much closer range the advantage belonged to Ridley, who's other arm firmly collided into Samus's torso with enough force to crush a man's ribcage, thankfully due to her power armour, Samus was able to take the hit, sending her flying into the now destroyed tank. Smoke clouded Samus's vision, following the trail of smoke back to its source Samus was distraught to find that the smoke was coming from the crushed torso of her suit. thinking of a battle plan as she hoisted herself off of the still smouldering ruins of the bio-tank, two large skeletal hands grabbed her from behind, without the added strength of her power suit Samus was unable to fend off this assault. A macabre flash of red and the sound of bone tearing through steel overwhelm Samus as she looks down to see the razor sharp tip of Ridley's tail protruding from her broken body, as she seeps into the abyss of unconsciousness she is turned to look into the hard, cold yellow eyes of her murderer, but knowing the Metroid was destroyed, and that she had for-filled her final duty, Samus's vision faded to black, never to awaken again.

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