Friday 6 September 2013

Chapter 1

The echos of space were a weary relief for Samus. for the first time in weeks she was able to relax and reflect upon the events that had taken place on planet Zebes, the battle with the Ridley and the space pirates, the near extinction of the metroid and of course, the capture of the larval metroid which she had delivered to the safety of the Ceres space station.

Two hours had passed since Samus had left the station, she had taken to drifting through deep space as a form of meditation. as Samus dwelt upon the events that had taken place, her thoughts were interrupted by by the frantic beeping and static coming from the main communications console. The ship seemed to have picked up an automated distress signal on its long range scanners, with the state of affairs the galaxy was currently in a distress signal was nothing to be overly concerned with, but what filled Samus with Anxiety was the origin of the the signal,  the Ceres space station.

With a clear destination set Samus began the journey back to the station, hoping that the worst had not yet come to pass.

A few hours had passed when the station finally came into view, a goliath structure drifting through the darkness, contrasting only with its stark grey-white hull. Samus had been trying to communicate with anyone aboard the station as she neared but to no avail.

A clear view of the station was available now as she approached the secondary docking station, Samus figured that if trouble were ahead entering through the front doors would be a fatal mistake. Moving round past the primary docking station her eye was drawn to the unusual amount of ships docked, which is when her heart fell in her chest, one particularly grim looking vessel had the name “Wights Link” inscribed across the bow. from experience samus knew this to be Ridley’s personal troop carrier, confirming two horrible truths; the pirates had seized the space station and worst of all, Ridley had somehow survived their last battle and managed to track the location of the young Metroid.

Chapter 2

Docking her ship at the secondary hanger samus finds that the level is empty, ensuring her safety for now. Spotting an information terminal on the wall nearby Samus integrates her power suits computer to that of the station, allowing her to download a map of the entire station.
with a clear objective in mind and a map detailing all of the likely locations of Ridley
Samus sets off towards the station’s main lab.

with the lab being two floors above the secondary hangar samus maker her way to an elevator to the second floor.
upon arriving at the second floor Samus notices immediate signs of activity, all of the power seems to be on in this sector and there are scorch marks all along the otherwise sleek walls.
upon closer examination Samus notices dried blood scattered around the grim looking scorch marks, this would have been the level for the maintenance workers. clearly the pirates did not take hostages.

continuing down the darker hallway a small heartbeat like beeping begins by Samus’s left ear,her motion tracker appears to be picking up movement around the next corner. Approaching closer, she takes care to muffle her steps, hoping to get the drop on her potential enemies. using the cracked screen of a nearby wall monitor Samus peers round the corner, discovering two of the pirates sentries. The two hideous creatures appear to be patrolling a set route, keeping an eye out for any potential threats or survivors.

Closing her eyes and inhaling deeply Samus clears her mind as she prepares to take out the sentries. With her arm cannon primed she rolls around the corner, releasing a deadly bolt of charged plasma at the first sentry, the creature hits the floor dead and before the other even has a chance to react it is hit by a barrage of rapid fire shots. stepping over  the still smouldering bodies of the former assailants Samus continues her journey.

After running into a few more scouting parties and dealing with them accordingly Samus reaches the service elevator which leads to the main lab on the third level of the station.
she punches the button and waits as the dark metallic doors close with a soft hiss.
reaching the third floor the elevator door gives a loud clink as the door twitches open, as sure a sight as any that there was a serious firefight on this level.

Surprisingly there is little activity on the motion tracker as samus moves through the bio labs. The labs themselves have been fitted out to match a variety of different habitats as to support the various different types of wildlife that the scientists need for both food and experiments.
there seems to be little to no life left in the bio labs themselves and what little life did manage to survive the pirates attack has been freed and has hidden in a much safer section of the ship.

Chapter 3

passing through the labs Samus comes to the massive doors marking the entrance to the stations main lab. From what Samus has seen of the lab before it is an enormous room expansive enough to easily fit a small ship inside. the monotony of the room is broken up only by the consoles littering the walls and the single large bio-containment tube in the centre or the room,and at the centre of that tube, the larval Metroid.

Confusion is the first thing to cross Samus’s mind, this does not last long however as out of the corner of her eye, in the darkest corner, lies Ridley.
She has a meagre few seconds to prepare as Ridley swoops down upon her with razor sharp claws and jagged teeth.

Years of experience allow Samus to roll aside the attack as a reflex. bringing up her cannon, she loses a few bolts at ridley’s underside, but to no avail, housed within a steel-hard exoskeleton
Ridley can shrug off smaller projectiles.

Rearing round for a second attack, Ridley’s cold yellow eyes lock on Samus with a hatred that can only be brought about by defeat. Deciding on a different tactic, Samus loads her cannon with energy missiles in order to break through the armour.

Two missiles are fired upon the beast, one hitting the abdomen and the other impacting on his wing, grounding the screeching pirate. With Ridley distracted and writhing in pain, Samus darts towards the pirate captain, supercharging a missile to finally put an end to the fiend.

jumping over a razor sharp claw aimed to slow her samus plants the barrel of her cannon deep between the jaws of the beast and with a blinding flash and a deafening roar, the battle is ended.
stepping over the smouldering corpse, Samus sees the status tube containing the baby metroid. taking the metroid in hand she returns to her ship, leaving the desolate station for the last time.

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