Thursday 12 September 2013



console begins to beep frantically

CONSOLE "This is an automated distress signal from the Ceres space station I.D 7705-32. if anyone can hear this message please send help immediately, this is a class one alert."


As Samus’s ship docks at the station

SAMUS "computer, run a full scan of whatever sections of the station you can"

SHIPS COMPUTER "acknowledged, running electromagnetic and bio organic scans now. estimated completion time, 20 minuets"

As Samus enters the hangar

SAMUS "hmm, there dosen’t seem to be any signs of survivors on this level, but first things first, i need a route to follow."

After approaching the wall terminal

SAMUS "Computer, bypass this terminals security and download a virtual map of the entire station"

SHIPS COMPUTER "acknowledged, bypassing security and downloading area map now. Visualizing on your heads up display now."

SAMUS "good. and how’s that scan going?"

SHIPS COMPUTER "finishing full diagnostics now. It would appear that there is some activity on the level above this, movement and short range radio signals have been detected."

SAMUS "more than likely a scouting party, i should expect hostiles"

SHIPS COMPUTER "due to radiation vents coming from the main lab, i was unable to scan any deeper into the station, though there was an unusual amount of energy being sourced into the main bio-container"

SAMUS "that must be where they’re keeping the Metroid, well at least now i know where i’m going."

in darkened hallway with scouts

SCOUT 1 "i don’t see the point in patroling such an empy part of the station"

SCOUT 2 "yeah especially after we slaughtered every worker on this damned station. nobodys going to be this far out in space anyway"

Samus engages and kills the scouts

SAMUS "damn! so it was the space pirates after all! i’ll have to send an emergency transmission to the federation. but i can’t allow the Metroid to fall into those bastards hands!"


As samus enters into the main labroatory

SAMUS "finally, now i just need the metroid and i can get off of this graveyar-

Samus is cut off as ridley attacks

SAMUS "Ridley! i thought i killed you back on Zebes! only you could have done somthing as despicable as this."

RIDLEY "It would take more than scum like you to kill me! however fate seems to have given me a gift, not only do i have the Metroid, but i also get so see the blood drain from your cold, wreched body!

Samus and Ridley’s battle occours, in which samus succeeds in killing ridley.

SAMUS "This time stay dead you malevolent bastard!"

as samus retreives the larval metroid

SAMUS "computer, set a course for the federation headquarters on Talon V. and compose a post action report, there’s going to be one hell of a debreifing for this one."

samus returns to her ship and leaves the station.


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